Enable pagination

To display pagination buttons, you’ll need at least to know the total row count of the dataset (totalRows) and rowsPerPage parameters.

const table = new TableHandler(initialData, { rowsPerPage: 10, totalRows: 150 })

Most of the time, totalRows is given back from the server with each request:

// api response:
    count: 150,
    data: [...]

state exposes a setTotalRows() function:

table.load(async (state) => {
    // [fetching data...]
    return json.data


{#each table.pages as page}
    <button type="button">{page}</button>

Pages with ellipsis

{#each table.pagesWithEllipsis as page}
    <button type="button">{page ?? '...'}</button>

Current page

<button type="button"
    class:active={page === table.currentPage}
    onclick={() => table.setPage(page)}
    {page ?? '...'}