V2 migration guide
- stores are replaced by runes, getters() by properties.
is namedTableHandler
Smooth transition from v1 to v2
In order to make the migration process a little easier, v1 is embed in “legacy” namespace so you will have the opportunity to upgrade your components progressively by simply modifying imports.
- @vincjo/datatables/remote
+ @vincjo/datatables/legacy/remote
Old vs new
Svelte 4
import { DataHandler } from '@vincjo/datatables/legacy/remote'
const handler = new DataHandler([], { rowsPerPage: 5 })
handler.onChange((state: State) => myLoadFunction(state): Promise<Row[]>)
const rows = handler.getRows()
const currentPage = handler.getPageNumber()
// $rows, $currentPage
Svelte 5
import { TableHandler } from '@vincjo/datatables/server'
const table = new TableHandler([], { rowsPerPage: 5 })
table.load((state: State) => myFunction(state): Promise<Row[]> )
// table.rows, table.currentPage
API changes - for consistancy and ease of use
const search = table.createSearch()
const filter = table.createFilter('first_name') // column filter
<!-- search -->
<input type="text" bind:value={search.value} oninput={() => search.set()}>
<!-- column filter -->
<input type="text" bind:value={filter.value} oninput={() => filter.set()}>
const sort = table.createSort('first_name')
<button onclick={() => sort.set()} class={{ active: sort.isActive }} type="button">
<span class={{ active: sort.direction === 'asc' }}>↑</span>
<span class={{ active: sort.direction === 'desc' }}>↓</span>
Row selection
const table = new TableHandler(data, { selectBy: 'id' })
// selectBy param is mandatory to enable row selection at the TableHandler instanciation level.
<tr class={{ active: table.selected.includes(row.id) }}>
<input type="checkbox"
onclick={() => table.select(row.id)}